Spay & Neuter in Guatemala - Dec+Nov 2020

Each month, we fund spay and neuter operations all over the Americas. We received beautiful photos of spayed and neutered pets with their owners this month that were from the December and November periods.

These spay and neuter operations consist of volunteers who travel to remote areas, villages, and/or communities that do not have much access to veterinary services or low-cost spay and neuter. We offer these procedures at no cost to the residents, as our primary goal is to reduce pet overpopulation and suffering. In these areas, animals often live outdoors in communal areas, which means they are constantly reproducing. These animals have no shelter to go to, and no people to adopt if their populations grow too much, which is why prevention of pet overpopulation is the key.

Below, you’ll find a gallery of the animals that were spayed and neutered in December and November. We helped spay/neuter 38 pets in these 2 months (currently, operations are a bit slower due to COVID): 10 female dogs, 10 male dogs, 10 female cats, 8 male cats.

The communities we were able to support were: Santo Domingo Xenacoj, San Martin Jilotepeque, Sumpango, Santa Cruz del Quiché.

If you’d like to be a part of our mission and help us fund these operations further, visit our donate now page, or host a community fundraiser in your local area (safely)! You may certainly reach out to us if you have any ideas for fundraising!

Kim Chen